This is for you if...
you do your best work alongside others, have a common goal, or thrive in a community of ideas and structure.

With a small group of motivated people, you amplify the support you receive and increase the likelihood of success. It's almost like having multiple coaches in your corner!

Common Goal
When everyone is trying to move towards the same goal, magic can happen. You discover new ways to think, new methods to solve, and new energy to use.

If you work better with structure, groups can be a powerful tool to keep you consistent and confident that your goals can and will be met. Don't forget to celebrate together!
How It Works
Areas of focus can include any of the modifiable lifestyle factors - healthy eating habits, relaxation techniques, elimination diet, movement, sleep routines, relaxations, tai chi, stress reduction, and more.
Group sessions are intentionally small (2-8 people) and last 2-4 months to allow for lasting behavior change. For optimal progress, we will meet in a structured cadence, typically online, every 1-2 weeks.
We have an initial 60-90 minute foundation session that will include introductions, character strengths reveal, a discussion of the focus area, what success looks like, and Q&A. We then co-create a set of goals for the following week, working in clearly defined, incremental steps.
Each follow-up session will use a variety of relevant tools to clarify your vision, reveal powerful insights, and measure progress toward your goal(s).
*In-Person available based on geography